City In The Sky


5 min

Imagine, The Beginning

Before The Start of A New End

I am reflecting on beginnings:

  • Beginnings marking the start of a new adventure, courageously initiated.

  • Beginnings starting in a middle, eagerly participated in.

  • Beginnings marking the end of a great adventure.

  • Beginnings, unexpectedly and spontaneously initiated.

A beginning starts as a neutral idea. If we listen closely, we can hear our imagination extending an invitation. A call leading us into a deeper experience of adventure inside the adventure we are in. If we answer the call, an opportunity to discover life anew inside of adventure.

3 ideas & 3 questions on beginnings, from me.

At the immediate start of a new undertaking:

  1. Write about your comfort with uncertainty.

  2. Write about what you are unwilling to do.

  3. Write about your resistance to what is (immediately in front of you). Accept it, or change it.

Three things to ask yourself about beginning the adventure you are dreaming about and not taking right now.

  1. What do you imagine you need to begin before you can begin? 

  2. What do you imagine you need to end before you can begin? 

  3. Who do you imagine you need to become before you can begin?

3 insights on beginnings, from others.  

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu

And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
Meister Eckhart

Originally written by Robin Lynn for City In The Sky